terça-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2008

Solar Taxi

The solar taxi is a vehicle with 2 seats and a small trailer with Photovoltaic panels, this famous taxi is about to end a historic "Round the World", this idea has the objective of demonstrate how reliable is this clean technology.

The solar taxi is the first vehicle ever, to travel around the world using solar energy only. Loius Palmer, who conceived this project, has left Switzerland at 3rd July of 2007 and has already been trough Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zeland and North America. Louis Palmer didn't spend a dime on gasoline or other fossil fuels and without poluting the air with CO2.

The vehicle has been built by Technicians from four diferent engineering Swiss schools, the vehicle is powered 100% by solar energy produced by Photovoltaic panels on a small trailer with 5 meters of length or by electricity of the vehicle's batteries.

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