domingo, 30 de novembro de 2008

Pollution of the Ground and Pollution of the Water

Pollution of the Ground
The pollution of the ground is caused by the litter that people leave in the soil of their houses, of its streets, the gardens of their cities, the forests when make picnics… of the side of the roads when they go in their cars and they throw garbage out the window… and also in beaches, when, in the end of a pleasant day of Summer at the side-sea, people return home but remaining litter is left behind on the sand.

Pollution of the Water

The water can be contaminated in many ways:
- the accumulation of litter and debris next to sources, wells and courses of water;
- the domestic sewers that villages and cities launch in the rivers or the seas;
- the toxic residues that some plants launch in the rivers;
- the chemical products that the farmers use to fight the illnesses of its plants, and the rain waters drag from the rivers and existing water sheets in the subsoil;
- the clandestine laundering, that is, not authorized, of boats in the sea, that release fuel;
- the radioactive nuclear residues, deposited in the deep sea;
- for the shipwrecks of the oil tankers, that are, accidents that cause the spill of thousands of tons of oil, making the waters and the coast dirty and kill all the sea life - the black tides.

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