domingo, 30 de novembro de 2008

Measures of Protection for the Nature

So that there is quality of life and doesn’t place health at risk, it is necessary that the environment is protected from the constant aggressions of man.
Thus, it is necessary, among others measured:

- to diminish the amount of gases that is sent to the atmosphere; - to diminish the amount of fertilizers, pesticides and weed killers that are used in agriculture, that contaminate the ground and the water sheets; - to protect waters, and not pollute the sewers and the waters that come from the plants; to take care of the domestic litter and others that degrade and pollute the environment; - to recycle and to reuse paper, glass, etc., using it in the production of other objects instead of putting it in the litter; - to clean rivers, wells, forests…; - to prevent the water wastefulness.
- It contributes for the defence of our next natural environment!

put the put the garbage in containers

not throwing garbage into the water


Save water

Luminous pollution

Luminous pollution
The luminous pollution is provoked by the wastefulness night lights. At night, in a city, the sky is less covered with stars then in a village. This is because of the artificial illumination, many times used in an incorrect form and it generates another form of pollution - the luminous pollution. In places with a lot of night light , the sky is covered of an enormous luminous bubble, that unable us to see the stars clearly, this light is so strong that it hurts the sight and causes migraine.
There are people, in the cities that have difficulty in sleeping because a great amount of light from the streets or from the neighbour’s garden, enters the window of the room and it becomes unpleasant.

Sonorous pollution

Sonorous pollution

We live encircled of sounds: people who speak, machines and appliances that work, the music of a discotheque, automobiles that pass, children who play… The increase of noises in the environment that encircles us provoke a new form of pollution - the sonorous pollution. The racket of the airplanes that pass in the air.
The functioning of motions, automobiles, and other vehicles.
The strong and tiresome noise of drilling.

Pollution of the Ground and Pollution of the Water

Pollution of the Ground
The pollution of the ground is caused by the litter that people leave in the soil of their houses, of its streets, the gardens of their cities, the forests when make picnics… of the side of the roads when they go in their cars and they throw garbage out the window… and also in beaches, when, in the end of a pleasant day of Summer at the side-sea, people return home but remaining litter is left behind on the sand.

Pollution of the Water

The water can be contaminated in many ways:
- the accumulation of litter and debris next to sources, wells and courses of water;
- the domestic sewers that villages and cities launch in the rivers or the seas;
- the toxic residues that some plants launch in the rivers;
- the chemical products that the farmers use to fight the illnesses of its plants, and the rain waters drag from the rivers and existing water sheets in the subsoil;
- the clandestine laundering, that is, not authorized, of boats in the sea, that release fuel;
- the radioactive nuclear residues, deposited in the deep sea;
- for the shipwrecks of the oil tankers, that are, accidents that cause the spill of thousands of tons of oil, making the waters and the coast dirty and kill all the sea life - the black tides.

What it is the POLLUTION?

Pollution means dirtiness, degradation, contamination, illness.
The action of man on the environment almost always has a negative effect, because of the had precautions that are not used.
It happens many times that the pollution in a certain location, either in the water, air or on land, it compels that many species of animals and plants that live there create conditions to be able to adapt themselves to survive in its environment.
In other cases, the contamination is so strong that many species end up dying and are extinguished forever.